California Leadership in Wake of National Change

Thursday, November 10, 2016 California Leadership in Wake of National Change Tuesday’s election means California’s leadership on environmental issues is more important than ever.  CSG offers a summary of election highlights below, and some insights into the road ahead. With Trump’s election and continued Republican control of both Houses of Congress, we can expect a rollback of conservation and environmental […]

Legislature Adopts New Approach to Conservation Planning and Mitigation

Late last night the California Legislature passed AB 2087 (Levine), which provides the legal authority for the creation of advanced mitigation credits based on Regional Conservation Investment Strategies approved by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.  These conservation strategies, while voluntary and non-regulatory, can be used to: Guide investments in resource conservation Guide infrastructure design […]

CSG Launches New Federal Consulting Services for California Clients

Conservation Strategy Group (CSG) is pleased to announce that we now provide a full suite of federal consulting and advocacy services.  CSG is providing federal services for California clients seeking to improve relationships, effectuate outreach to key Congressional representatives, secure Federal funding for state and regional priorities, and impact joint federal/state/regional efforts. CSG’s federal services will offer […]

New Year, New Budget for California

Happy New Year from all of us at CSG! With the Legislature back in session and the Governor’s proposed 2016-17 state budget released last week, we are beginning to identify some key issues likely to come up in 2016. First, the Governor seems intent on continuing his efforts on climate change, focusing on the goals he […]

Governor Signs Budget: CSG Looks at What’s Ahead for Water, Climate, and Conservation

Last week, Governor Brown signed the 2015-16 State Budget and accompanying trailer bills, including the Resources Trailer Bill, SB 83, and the Water Trailer Bill, SB 88. These trailer bills provide further direction on expenditures in the budget, including those related to the drought. The budget includes $1.8 billion of Proposition 1 funding to various […]