How California can lead the world in decarbonizing aviation

As the United States seeks to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, one of the most challenging sectors to decarbonize will be aviation. Aviation makes up nearly 7% of the total U.S. transportation sector emissions (Figure 1). As planes are expected to remain reliant on liquid fuels for the foreseeable future, commercializing non-fossil, low-carbon […]

Op-ed: How forest thinning waste could fund California wildfire prevention

Yesterday, CSG’s Director of Climate and Energy Policy, Sam Uden, had an op-ed published in CalMatters that describes how a forest products strategy could help reduce megafires in California.  In partnership with Sierra Business Council, a lead organization that represents more than 3,000 businesses, local governments and NGOs in the Sierra Nevada, the op-ed is timed with key […]

CARB’s opportunity on low-carbon fuels

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will soon initiate a series of regulatory proceedings on different programs to cement the ambitions of the 2022 Scoping Plan into state policy. One of the first – and perhaps the most consequential – will be the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). The LCFS is one of the state’s […]

Accelerating advance mitigation in California

California is set to spend hundreds of billions – if not trillions – of dollars over the coming decades on projects to adapt to a changing climate, deploy clean energy and upgrade aging infrastructure. It is crucial that these investments minimize their impact on natural resources and maximize high-quality conservation outcomes. Innovative conservation planning tools, […]

Final Scoping Plan identifies key role for carbon dioxide removal

Today, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its proposed 2022 Final Scoping Plan, providing a roadmap for how the state can achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. The Plan identifies a key role for technological carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Specifically, it identifies a need for 75 million tons of technological CDR delivered via a combination of […]

California advances toward climate goals: carbon capture and storage

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change identified that technologies that capture, transport and store carbon dioxide (CO2) are essential for achieving net-zero emissions targets. SB 905 (Caballero; Skinner) establishes a comprehensive framework to deploy carbon capture and storage in California. In this blog post, we review SB 905 and describe how capturing CO2 from industrial […]

California advances toward climate goals: the $39 billion budget

The Legislature and Governor Newsom recently delivered a game-changing $39 billion climate budget and an important set of new policies to propel California towards its climate goals. In this blog post – the first of a three-part series – we review the central piece to the state’s recent actions: the $39 billion climate budget. We […]

Op-ed: Maximizing the impact of a history-making federal clean energy investment program

A recent op-ed in The Hill describes a novel approach to identifying and prioritizing policy and investment actions in order to achieve ambitious climate targets. For more information, see article linked here. This op-ed was co-authored by CSG’s Director of Climate and Energy Policy, Sam Uden; Chris Greig, Theodora D. ’78 and William H. Walton […]

Missed opportunity: Draft Scoping Plan fails to address biomass pile burning and decay

California recently released a draft version of its main climate plan, finding that it is preferable to open burn or leave to decay in the forest a significant portion of biomass residues resulting from wildfire prevention treatments. This is a missed opportunity: as a robust strategy to collect and convert forest waste into carbon-negative wood […]